Aerosmith music from another dimension songs
Aerosmith music from another dimension songs

aerosmith music from another dimension songs

There are clues here that this may be Aerosmith‘s last album. It’s a perky little country pop song which is tailor made for middle American ears, rather than our more refined European ones, but which never the less I can’t help liking. It’s one I’m going to file under ‘guilty pleasure’. The only other track worth mentioning is the duet with Carrie Underwood ‘Can’t Stop Lovin’ You’. There a lot of songs on this album, and it really could have done with a bit of an edit.

Aerosmith music from another dimension songs movie#

Joe Perry again takes lead on ‘Something’ and there is a satisfying bar room world-weariness in its groove that grows on you.Īnother highlight is “Closer”, being a slower number that thankfully never descends into schmaltz, with it’s slightly creepy lyric it manages to be sophisticated, instead of movie sound track, mind-numbing tosh. It even has a bitter warlord-bashing lyric which Zevon could perhaps have penned. You could very easily convinced me that ‘Freedom Fighter’ was Warren Zevon in fist-pumping angry mood. Two tracks are sung by Joe Perry, and both are gems. Perhaps the only real surprises here, are that Aerosmith occasionally don’t sound like Aerosmith, and on each occasion when they don’t, it actually works quite well. That production has neutered his big funky balls and results in less swing than I like in my ‘ Smith songs. Tumbling, taut Joe Perry riffs and the way Tyler drags out the last word of every line and the band pile in with the harmonies, well, it puts a smile on my face however many times they do it. I do wish Tom Hamilton‘s bass was more upfront though. All the Aerosmith classic moves are utilised on ‘Street Jesus’ ,’Lover Alot’ and ‘Beautiful’. ‘Legendary Child’ is, in fact, not only a homage to ‘Last Child’ but also a retelling and celebration of their past.Īmongst all the nostalgia and usual teeth-itchingly sugary ballads, there are a handful of good rock songs. Speaking of their original heyday circa “Rocks” and “Toys in the Attic”, it seems Aerosmith have taken the time to consider their legacy and several tracks here slyly re-purpose famous lyrics. A sinful error when even unsigned bands can produce amazing sounding records. It lacks either the high shine magic of “Pump” or the raunchy power of earlier “Rocks” era material. I’m sure all the big guns have been assembled as usual in the hope of one last hurrah for a band who surely haven’t got many more records in them.ĭespite all thi,s it’s a shame to report that this album sounds a little flat. One look at the writing credits will dispel that though, with the likes of Dianne Warren attached to hopefully provide a couple more hits. This release has slipped under my radar, giving rise to fantasies of the guys secretly bashing this out in a home studio whilst the WAG’s upstairs are organising a charity dinner. What with Steven Tyler being kicked out the band and then descending into American talent show hell. I didn’t think Aerosmith as we knew them were making records any more. it seems more some piano blues song or something.Well, this is a surprise. also no i wouldn't count "another last goodbye" as a ballad really. everything else including the cover were imo a keeper. I disliked the song with carrie underwood, "we all fall down", "sunny side of love", "lover alot", "legendary child" and "up on a mountain". Totally agree about there being too many ballads, the rock songs being surprisingly good, Hamilton's song being nice to include but not really good, and that you pick the best ten and its a really solid album. Don't like Beautiful, and the only Joe Perry song I like is Freedom Fighter. I pretty much agree with this except that I like What Could Have Been Love (the only ballad on the album I really like), don't know whether Another Last Goodbye would fall under the ballad category but I like that one too. I pretty much agree with this except i don't mind the perry vocals Highly recommended! Which is a bit of a surprise. There are several great rockers and a strangely compelling ballad / rocker called Beautiful. Makes me remember mr Perry´s words "Ballads are a waste of plastic." What could have been love is truly awful.

aerosmith music from another dimension songs

not great.Īnd there are too many ballads. And the Hamilton vocal on the extra disc is earnest, but. Three Joe Perry vocals is at least two too many. But take the ten best tracks and you have what is probably the best Smith since rocks. I like it! Sure, at 80 minutes (the deluxe) it´s far too long.

Aerosmith music from another dimension songs